Some academic job resources I found helpful:
The application process for academic jobs is challenging. Below I've listed the resources I found to be most helpful during my job search in case they are useful to others (probably most useful for people new to the job search process in my field).
(1) Where to search for a job:
- : This crowd-sourced resource is incredibly helpful for not only finding job postings but also for mental health. People update when they've heard about interview invitations and more broadly about the process.
- Sign up for the Earth Science Women's Job Board mailing list
- Sign up for ecolog-l mailing list
- For water people, Josh's Water Jobs
(2) How to learn more about what to expect:
- Ask your mentors, advisors, friends, colleagues, people at conferences, and anyone else who has experience with the job market for their advice and their job documents. I got so much support and advice from all of the above that made all the difference.
- Read the book The Professor Is In This book is not written for people in my field but I still found it incredibly helpful, motivational, and of course, anxiety inducing.
- Google typical academic interview questions and think about those when you're writing your documents. This pdf is helpful. This is another helpful pdf
- Read this short publication: Inouye et al. Interviewing for Academic Jobs.
Best of luck to everyone!